There are over 700,000 domestic violence cases annually reported to law enforcement agencies in the United States.
It’s a common misconception that if the alleged victim in a domestic violence or spousal abuse case asks that the charges be dropped, that the case will be dismissed. The case will only be dismissed with investigation, preparation and a lot of hard work.
If you are being accused or charged with domestic violence, it is imperative that you contact a criminal defense attorney immediately. One should talk to a criminal defense attorney first and not to the authorities. If you talk to the authorities before your lawyer, you may cause yourself and your defense irreparable harm.
The Law Offices of Ramiro J. Lluis aggressively protects the rights of our clients who have been accused of domestic violence.
If we are contacted immediately, we can sometimes prevent the filing of the case by the authorities, or set it for an office hearing and avoid the problems and embarrassment of a court appearance, conviction and subsequent probations.
Gives us call and consult with one of our attorneys.
(213) 687-4412